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During a trip to Haiti, Marie-Bernadette Julien, a retired school principal in Montreal, visited seven small poor schools in several rural sections of Trou-du-Nord (east of Cap-Haitien), including Roche-Plate and Leroux-Cachiman. She was dismayed by the subpar learning conditions. For many years following this visit, she nurtured the dream of one day being able to help these children.


Following the earthquake that devastated Haiti, Ms. Julien shared her concerns about the conditions she observed during her 2008 visit. With the help of her eldest son and a few friends, she decided to establish Association Chelaine du Millénaire (ACM) in an attempt to improve the fate of the seven schools in this remote region.

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ACM organized a brunch as its first fundraiser, which was warmly supported by relatives and friends. This initiative allowed the organization to purchase and send school materials to Haiti (notebooks, pencils, pens, satchels, etc.) benefiting both students and teachers.


Given its limited financial resources, ACM decided to focus on and take charge of the most deprived school: the Boisrond-Tonnerre school in Leroux-Cachiman.

That same year, ACM organized its second fundraising brunch, which welcomed an even greater number of supporters. This initiative made it possible to buy chairs and benches for the students as well as cover the teachers' salaries.



The events team organized what turned out to be a very popular fundraiser, a carnival-inspired dinner-dance with a "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme. As a result, ACM acquired land and built latrines (dry toilets) and a shelter (made of bamboo) which allowed students to be sheltered from bad weather, whereas previously, the children had been learning in an open-air setting. 


ACM hosted a benefit concert to start tackling the health problems of students suffering from nutritional deficiencies and infectious diseases. The children now benefit from the care of a volunteer auxiliary nurse who visits the school every three months. In addition, a health clinic was organized during the visit of a member of the association and a nurse from Canada.


Hurricane Matthew devastated everything in its path, including the shelter built back in 2013. Following the June visit of an ACM member who reported the urgency of the situation, the events committee immediately started organizing the now unmissable “All-White Party”, an annual dinner dance which has been a huge success every summer.

This initiative allowed ACM to raise funds to develop its projects and begin the construction of a new earthquake-resistant building to replace the shelter.

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* The new (unfinished) school was built thanks to donations from our supporters and funds raised during the
2016 All-White Party.

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ACM members visited the Leroux-Cachiman school in the winter and spring. They all noticed that children came to school hungry and had no clean drinking water available. To respond to this need, the association implemented a daily program in which the children would receive a small snack or hot meal during the school day. They also made available two large containers that parents took turns filling up with water each morning. This approach increased the attendance rate of students who are now more alert in class. 


Proceeds from the annual "All-White Party" allowed for the drilling of an artesian well on school grounds to provide drinking water for local students and villagers. Dr. Harold Durand, an ardent supporter, was instrumental in this initiative.

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January 2020 showed much promise due to the inauguration of the well, the setup of a health clinic and a microcredit program for women in the local village.  

However, the arrival of Covid-19 in March changed the course of things. The annual "All-White Party" fundraiser could not be held, but thanks to the support of its donors, ACM continued to maintain its activities for a sustainable development.


ACM undertook expansion work on the school as well as construction of a depot and a kitchen to improve sanitary conditions in the school canteen.

Unfortunately, Haiti’s current socio-political problems are delaying the progress of these projects.

2022 - 6 - Graduation (École professionn


ACM looked into the future of several young people who have completed their basic schooling and who return to the village due to lack of financial means to continue their studies.


Therefore, ACM set up a pilot project to facilitate the entry of these young people into a vocational school by establishing a sponsorship program. Thus, we were able to recruit 6 students who acquired skills in tiling, plumbing, electricity and IT. 3/6 obtained a professional diploma and are now working in their profession.


With the contribution of certain supporters, ACM set up a small goat farm to help parents acquire financial autonomy, to provide for the needs of their children.

ACM does not yet have the financial means to offer an animal to each parent, but we offered goats last year to 6th grade graduates and adult literacy students at their graduation.

2023 - 14 - Graduation (Alphabétisation + 6e année) -- Graduation (6th grade and Literacy)
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ACM decided to set up a small agricultural project to give basic concepts to students and motivate village farmers, through targeted training in agriculture and livestock farming. Our goal is to introduce students to agriculture from a young age.

In addition to acquiring agricultural knowledge, our students are already starting to enjoy fresh vegetables and more balanced meals. This is our largest ongoing project!

Currently, the school has about 75 students, from kindergarten to the sixth grade. The faculty consists of seven teachers, including the principal. ACM also hired an academic advisor whose role is to ensure the smooth running of the school and to provide regular training sessions for teachers.

ACM always seeks the help of anyone who wants to contribute their ideas and financial support

in order to effectively maintain the functioning of our school, now named




Contact us:



Our address: 

11 rue Malcolm, DDO, QC H9B 1K9

© 2024 Association Chelaine du Millénaire

Charity number: 81239 4849 RR0001

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